The NSW Asbestos Coordination Committee (NACC) works to improve the management, monitoring and response to asbestos issues in NSW through collaboration and programs.
NSW Health provides public health messages about risks from asbestos and expert advice to other government agencies when there is potential for public exposure to asbestos.
Visit the NSW Health website for more information.
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is the lead agency for the NSW Asbestos Coordination Committee. The EPA regulates the transport, storage and disposal of asbestos waste; illegally dumped asbestos waste and land contaminated with asbestos.
Visit the NSW EPA website for more information.
icare provides compensation for people who have developed work-related dust diseases in NSW, and their dependants. icare helps to arrange healthcare, nursing and personal care assistance, mobility aids, oxygen supplies, comprehensive support. icare also facilitates lung screening services that employers can organise for workers at risk of being exposed to harmful dust.
Visit the Icare website for more information.
The Better Regulation Division develops and implements regulations for fair trading, consumer protection, building & construction. It includes overseeing and implementing the Voluntary Purchase and Demolition Program to provide safety, certainty and support for NSW residents affected by loose-fill asbestos insulation.
Visit the Department of Customer Service website for more information.
Public Works Advisory supports local and state government agencies to deliver critical infrastructure initiatives by providing expert advisory, planning, delivery and support services.
Visit the Public Works Advisory website for more information.
Fire and Rescue NSW is the lead combat agency for hazardous materials (HAZMAT) incidents in NSW. We have the authority to attend, combat and render safe any land-based or inland waterway spillage of hazardous materials within the State. We prioritise life, property and the environment, working in partnership with other agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for the community.
Visit the Fire & Rescue website for more information.
Aboriginal Affairs NSW works with Aboriginal communities to promote social, economic and cultural wellbeing through opportunity, choice, healing , responsibility and empowerment.
Visit the Aboriginal Affairs NSW website for more information.
SafeWork NSW regulates work health and safety laws to prevent harm, manage risk and improve the safety culture in NSW workplaces. In relation to asbestos, SafeWork NSW issue asbestos licenses, verify compliance of licence holders, provide technical advice and work with Registered Training Organisations to deliver asbestos training in line with requirements.
Visit the SafeWork NSW website for more information.
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment assists the community to manage asbestos through the State Environmental Planning Policies, and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (and associated regulation). For more information on how to safely manage asbestos please see the Department's asbestos hazards page.
Visit the DPIE website for more information.
The Office of Local Government is responsible for NSW local government. NSW Councils are responsible for managing asbestos in the community through educating residents, regulating land use and development, and managing waste disposal.
Visit the Office of Local Government website for more information.
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council is the State’s peak representative body in Aboriginal Affairs. It is committed to ensuring a better future for Aboriginal people by working for the return of culturally significant and economically viable land, pursuing cultural, social and economic independence for its people and being politically proactive and voicing the position of Aboriginal people on issues that affect them.
Visit the NSW Aboriginal Land Council website for more information.
LGNSW is the peak organisation that represents the interests of NSW general and special purpose councils. LGNSW supports councils to adopt and implement The Model Asbestos Policy for Councils. LGNSW does this through the provision of policy advice, advocacy, forums, training, workshops, online resources and expert advice on asbestos management and regulation.
Visit the Local Government NSW website for more information.
The NSW Ombudsman is independent and impartial. The role of the Ombudsman is to watch over most public sector and some private sector agencies in NSW and monitor the way they do their jobs. The Ombudsman’s office has released two reports about how asbestos is managed in NSW, in 2010 and 2017. The reports made a number of recommendations that the NSW Government supported in principle, and the Ombudsman continues to monitor how the recommendations are being implemented.
Visit the NSW Ombudsman website for more information.
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency was established in 2013 to coordinate national actions to improve asbestos awareness and the effective and safe management, removal and disposal of asbestos. Working with all levels of government, our aim is to prevent exposure to asbestos fibres in order to eliminate asbestos-related diseases in Australia.
Visit the The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency website for more information.