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Gardens, yards and garden accessories

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Low density asbestos fibre boards

Low-density asbestos fibre boards look similar to asbestos-containing <cement sheeting> or plaster board. They were used as wall and ceiling panels, particularly in areas of high humidity. They were often painted white. The fibre boards are quite soft – you can leave a mark with your fingernail.  
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Plaster and asbestos

Plaster containing asbestos was also mixed with other materials to make low-density fibre boards used in Australian homes and buildings before 1990.
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Standard surface compressed sheet and asbestos

Standard surface compressed asbestos cement (AC) sheets are smooth on both sides, or smooth on one side with a patterned surface on the other side. They may be painted. Their main use was balustrades and windowsills. 
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Vent pipes and asbestos

Vent pipes and sockets may contain asbestos. Vent pipes that regulate pressure and gas are used in plumbing and drainage, and in some sewerage and septic installations. 
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